Empower yourself with better health today

Embrace a new healthcare paradigm with functional medicine. Our customized plans blend conventional and alternative treatments to prioritize your well-being and empower your healthiest life.



Apolipoprotein B

(cardiac risk factor)



One-stop care for all.

Assess more than 100+ biomarkers to get a comprehensive view of your health, including hormone levels, thyroid function, cardiovascular health, metabolic rate, autoimmune conditions, and pollutant exposure.

Tracking results throughout your lifetime.

Remain aware of the changes occurring in your body. All of the results are kept in one safe location for convenient access at all times...

Function helps detect early indicators of 1000’s of diseases.

Stroke Prostate Cancer Anemia PCOS Lymphoma Alzheimer's Lyme Pancreatic Cancer Stroke
Anemia Prostate Cancer Anemia PCOS Lymphoma Alzheimer's Lyme Pancreatic Cancer Stroke
Mercury Toxicty Rheumatoid Arthritis Heart Disease Hypothyroidism Chronic Kidney Disease Mercury Toxicty Rheumatoid Arthritis Heart Disease Hypothyroidism Chronic Kidney Disease
Mercury Toxicty Rheumatoid Arthritis Heart Disease Hypothyroidism Chronic Kidney Disease Mercury Toxicty Rheumatoid Arthritis Heart Disease Hypothyroidism Chronic Kidney Disease
Celiac Leukemia Anemia PCOS Hyperthyroidism Diabetes Lupus Gout Sickle Cell
Celiac Leukemia Anemia PCOS Hyperthyroidism Diabetes Lupus Gout Sickle Cell
Stroke Prostate Cancer Anemia PCOS Lymphoma Alzheimer's Lyme Pancreatic Cancer Stroke
Stroke Prostate Cancer Anemia PCOS Lymphoma Alzheimer's Lyme Pancreatic Cancer Stroke

Results that are clear and logical.

Readable and comprehensible. Function offers evidence-based insights developed with the world’s top doctors.

Meet: Dr. Aigerim Nurova

Specialty: Functional Medicine Physician

Languages: English, Russian

Education: Medical degree in Russia and the USA, with advanced training in functional medicine

Approach: Integrates conventional medicine with natural therapies, focusing on personalized treatment plans and root cause analysis

Comprehensive functional medicine evaluation."

Experience a holistic approach to wellness with our tailored functional medicine programs.

Frequently Asked Questions

The consultation some treatments are usually covered by most insurance providers. However, some tests and treatments in functional medicine like IV Drip, Stem Cell and Holistic Therapy may not be covered. It’s best to check with your insurance provider for details and also our customer care team can advise your further.

It can take 45 to 60 minutes for an initial appointment with one of our functional medicine practitioners. In addition to getting a complete picture of the patient’s daily activities, previous illness and traumatic experiences, exposure to the environment, and hereditary influences, the practitioner needs to collect information on the elements that are contributing to the current health issue during this time.

Functional medicine is an approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of illness rather than merely treating symptoms. It takes into consideration the complex interactions between genetics, environment, and lifestyle that can influence a person’s health. Practitioners of functional medicine use a holistic perspective, examining the patient’s entire history, diet, stress levels, sleep patterns, and other lifestyle factors to create personalized treatment plans. The goal is to promote long-term health and wellness by addressing underlying imbalances and preventing future illnesses.

Functional medicine takes a more holistic approach, emphasizing personalized care. It seeks to understand the underlying reasons for health issues and focuses on prevention and lifestyle changes, whereas conventional medicine often treats symptoms with medication or surgery.

Functional medicine takes a more holistic approach, emphasizing personalized care. It seeks to understand the underlying reasons for health issues and focuses on prevention and lifestyle changes, whereas conventional medicine often treats symptoms with medication or surgery

Functional medicine is rooted in scientific research and aims to apply evidence-based practices. It often uses a systems-based approach to understand the complex relationships between various factors affecting health.

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